Der folgende Beitrag zeigt wie sehr Christine Binder-Fritz heutige Arbeit als Ethnomedizinerin in Österreich von ihrer bisherigen Forschung zur Gesundheit der Maori in Neuseeland beeinflusst wurde und diese zu einem hohen Grad geformt hat. Die Ergebnisse und Einsichten, die sie aus diesen Studien zu einer ethnischen Minderheit im Südpazifik gewinnen konnte, waren wertvoll für die Arbeit mit der migrantischen Bevölkerung im österreichischen Gesundheitssystem: Die Ergebnisse sind nicht nur in universitäre Vorlesungen, die sie an drei Universitäten gehalten hat (Universität Wien, Medizinische Universität Wien und Karl Franzens Universität Graz) eingeflossen, sondern halfen auch soziale und kulturelle Dimensionen von Gesundheit und Gesundheitswesen in ihren beruflichen Trainingskursen „Transkulturelle Kompetenz im Gesundheitswesen“ für medizinisches und pflegendes Personal zu erklären.
In the following contribution Christine Binder-Fritz will show that her previous research on Maori health in New Zealand has influenced and shaped to a high degree her present work as a Medical Anthropologist in Austria. The outcomes and insights gained from these studies on an ethnic minority group in the South Pacific have been valuable for her current work on migrant population in Austrian public health care system: They not only have been incorporated into her University lectures, being held at three Universities (Vienna University, Medical University of Vienna, and Karl Franzens University in Graz) but also serve to explain the social and cultural dimensions of health and health care in her vocational training courses on “Transcultural competence in the health care sector” for medical and nursing staff.
Über die Autorin
Christine Binder-Fritz, is a lecturer and researcher in Social and Cul- tural Anthropology and Medical Anthropology at the Institute for the History of Medicine and at the Institute for Social and Cultural Anthro- pology, University of Vienna (since 1995). From 1977-1994 working as a Medical Laboratory Technician (Human genetics and prenatal diagno- sis) at the Department for Gynaecology and Obstetrics, General Hos- pital Vienna. PhD. dissertation (Social and Cultural Anthropology) in 1991 on “Birth and Motherhood at the Maori of New Zealand”. Since 1995 trainer for “Transcultural Nursing Care”. Research topics: Medi- cal Anthropology and Public Health; Gender Studies; women’s health; migration and health; Transcultural Nursing Care; Transcultural Psych- iatry; Public Health Care in the Asian and Pacific Region; New Zealand Maori. Several field research studies in New Zealand (1989-2001), gran- ted by the Austrian Ministry of Science and Education and the Austrian Science Funds (FWF). 1999-2001 Hertha-Firnberg-Project “Transcultu- ral Aspects of Women’s Reproductive Health” (T 68-MED). 2001 guest lecture on “gender & health” at the Mahidol University, Bangkok (ASE- AN UNINET-Programme). Since 2008 Elise-Richter-Program “Asian im- migrant women: Gender, Body, Health, Care”.
Vorwort des Pazifik Dossiers Ferro/Gohm/Eberhard
Weaving A Basket Of Knowledge.
My continent spanning health research projects linking Aotearoa/New Zealand and Austria von Christine Binder-Fritz
The Austrian South Pacific Society
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